Can’t you imagine a vacation without your pet?
Currently, quite a lot of hotels invite guests to stay with their pets. In search engines (booking systems) for hotels, they are marked with the “PET FRENDLY” sign.
Apart-hotel Brevis also offers an additional service – “accommodation with pets”. Going on vacation to Sochi, take your favorite pets on a trip.

Terms and conditions of accommodation with pets at brevis apart-hotel.
- Only small and medium-sized dogs and cats are considered pets at the apart-hotel.
- People with disabilities are allowed to stay with pets that serve their needs (guide dogs or other animals).
- Allowed to stay on the territory of the apart-hotel animals of special police units (guard dogs, sniffer dogs, etc.).
- During booking or check-in, the pet owner should be required to inform apart-hotel about the presence of a pet that will stay with him/her, and shall read and follow the terms and conditions of accommodation with pets.
- Accommodation with pets (dogs and cats) is allowed in the presence of veterinary documents of the established sample (veterinary passport with a note about all vaccinations).
For those Guests who travel with “pets”, mandatory accommodation conditions apply:
- The guest must bring a special mat or a special cage for the pet;
- It is necessary to walk medium-sized dogs only in muzzles.
- Walking pets on the territory of the playground and on the lawns is strictly prohibited.
- The guest is obliged to clean up the pet’s excreta on its own.
- For the cats’ toilet, you must bring a special tray.
- The use of hotel plates and kitchenware for feeding pets is strictly prohibited.
- The guest is obliged to ensure that the pet out of the room during cleaning or repair work.
- The guest must notify the property if a pet stay unattended in the room.

Registration and check-in with an animal.
During check-in, a receptionist will ask you to carefully read the rules of residence and put your signature in the field “read and agree” with terms and conditions. This measure is necessary to maintain public order and silence in the apart-hotel.
In some hotels, a deposit system is applied, when a Guest is offered to deposit a certain amount of money to a personal account and in case your pet acts like a hooligan, the deposit will cover the amount of damage caused, however, in case of serious loss of hotel property, you will have to pay an additional fee. In case of perfect behavior of the animal, the deposit will be returned at check-out.
Apart-Hotel BREVIS does not apply a deposit system, but if the pet is naughty, you will be required to pay damages in full.
Restrictions on pets stay:
- In the absence of a special pet cage, it is forbidden to leave pets unattended in the apartment, on the playground and in other public areas.
- It is forbidden to wash pets in the shower cabins, in the bathrooms.
- It is forbidden to use towels, sheets and other bedding belonging to the hotel for the needs of pets.
- It is forbidden to comb out pets in the room, in the halls, on the territory of the hotel.
- A maximum of two pets are allowed in the apartment.
Responsibility of guest staying with a pet in the room:
- The owner/guest who lives with the pet assumes all responsibility for solving the problems of feeding, cleaning, and walking the animal.
- The owner of the pet/ guest living with the pet is fully responsible for possible damage to the property of the apart-hotel by an animal.
- The owner of the pet/ guest living with the pet assumes all responsibility for cleaning the animal’s waste products.
- All risks to the apart-hotel and third parties related to and appeared from the behavior of the animal, as well as the time and conditions of their stay in the room of the apart-hotel, are borne by the owner of the animal/ guest living with the pet.

Rates for pet accommodation at the brevis apart-hotel.
- The cost of accommodation with a pet is 500 (five hundred) rubles per day for 1 pet.
- For the duration of the stay from 22 to 30 days, the amount of 5,000 rubles for each animal’s stay should be paid once.
- If you stay for more than 30 days in the apart-hotel, the amount of 5,000 rubles for each animal’s stay should be paid monthly (for each full and incomplete month).

We recommend that you invite your pet for a long walk on arrival to stretch legs, exhaust its energy and enjoy your holiday in the apartment.
Adhering to the general rules of accommodation, you will be satisfied with the quality of your and your pet’s rest and will save the budget for treats for a pet.
When booking an apartment, we recommend that you call the hotel directly to get answers to questions related to accommodation with pets, and to guarantee the availability of a room for accommodation with a pet